Data protection


Plea­se note that the ope­ra­tors of sites which are lin­ked from www​.rese​arch​-inno​va​ti​on​-bava​ria​.de can save and use the data of visi­tors to their sites.

Technical operation

The web ser­ver of the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy is ope­ra­ted by

1&1 Inter­net SE
Elgen­dor­fer Str. 57
56410 Montabaur


When you access this or any other page on the site, you trans­fer data via your Inter­net brow­ser to our web ser­ver. The fol­lowing data is recor­ded during an ongo­ing con­nec­tion for the pur­po­ses of the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween your brow­ser and our web server:

  • Date and time of the request
  • Name of the reques­ted file
  • Page from which the file was requested
  • Access sta­tus (trans­fer file, file not found, etc.)
  • Web brow­ser and ope­ra­ting sys­tem used
  • Com­ple­te IP address of the reques­ting computer
  • Data quan­ti­ty transferred

This data is saved by us for secu­ri­ty rea­sons, in par­ti­cu­lar to defend against attemp­ted attacks on our web ser­ver. After seven days at the latest, the data is anony­mi­sed by shor­tening the IPv4 address at domain level, so that it is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to estab­lish a con­nec­tion to indi­vi­du­al users. After nine weeks at the latest, the data is dele­ted com­ple­te­ly. The data is used exclu­si­ve­ly for this pur­po­se and, in anony­mi­sed form, for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses; it is not com­pa­red with other data­ba­ses or pas­sed on to third par­ties, eit­her in who­le or in part.


When you access this web­site, coo­kies (small files) are saved to your hard disk; the­se are valid for the dura­ti­on of your visit to our web­site. We use the­se exclu­si­ve­ly to iden­ti­fy you during your visit to our site. Most brow­sers are set up so that you accept the use of coo­kies, howe­ver this func­tion can be tur­ned off, eit­her for the cur­rent ses­si­on or per­ma­nent­ly, in the brow­ser set­tings. At the end of your ses­si­on, the­se coo­kies are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­ted again from your hard disk.

Cookie Consent with Borlabs Cookie

Our web­site uses the Borlabs coo­kie con­sent tech­no­lo­gy to obtain your con­sent to the sto­rage of cer­tain coo­kies in your brow­ser and for their data pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion com­pli­ant docu­men­ta­ti­on. The pro­vi­der of this tech­no­lo­gy is Borlabs – Ben­ja­min A. Born­schein, Georg-Wilhelm-Str. 17, 21107 Ham­burg, Ger­ma­ny (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as Borlabs).

Whenever you visit our web­site, a Borlabs coo­kie will be stored in your brow­ser, which archi­ves any decla­ra­ti­ons or revo­ca­ti­ons of con­sent you have ent­e­red. The­se data are not shared with the pro­vi­der of the Borlabs technology.

The recor­ded data shall remain archi­ved until you ask us to era­di­ca­te them, dele­te the Borlabs coo­kie on your own or the pur­po­se of sto­ring the data no lon­ger exists. This shall be without pre­ju­di­ce to any reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons man­da­ted by law. To review the details of Borlabs’ data pro­ces­sing poli­ci­es, plea­se visit https://​de​.borlabs​.io/​k​b​/​w​e​l​c​h​e​-​d​a​t​e​n​-​s​p​e​i​c​h​e​r​t​-​b​o​r​l​a​b​s​-​c​o​o​k​ie/

We use the Borlabs coo­kie con­sent tech­no­lo­gy to obtain the decla­ra­ti­ons of con­sent man­da­ted by law for the use of coo­kies. The legal basis for the use of such coo­kies is Art. 6 Sect. 1 Sen­tence 1 lit. c GDPR.

Open Cookie Preferences

Active components

Acti­ve com­pon­ents, such as Java­script and Flash are used in the infor­ma­ti­on offe­ring of the Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy. You can turn this func­tion off in your brow­ser settings.

Evaluation of user behaviour (web tracking systems)

We use pro­grams to eva­lua­te user beha­viour but only in anony­mi­sed form. Your IP address is anony­mi­sed first for this and only then is it eva­lua­ted by us. You can turn this func­tion off in your brow­ser settings.

Collecting other data

The Bava­ri­an Rese­arch and Inno­va­ti­on Agen­cy web­site offers users the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­ta­ct them by ent­e­ring per­so­nal or busi­ness details (e-mail addres­ses, names, addres­ses). The use of such ser­vices by the user is ent­i­re­ly and express­ly voluntary.

In any event, the per­so­nal data ent­e­red (in par­ti­cu­lar name, e-mail address) will only be used to send the desi­red infor­ma­ti­on or for any other pur­po­ses expli­ci­tly set out in the indi­vi­du­al form, and will not be pas­sed on to third parties.


Unen­cryp­ted infor­ma­ti­on that you send by e-mail can be inter­cep­ted and read by third par­ties during trans­mis­si­on. Gene­ral­ly, we can­not check your iden­ti­ty eit­her and do not know who is behind an e-mail address. Legal­ly secu­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on by simp­le e-mail is the­re­fo­re not gua­ran­te­ed. Like many e-mail pro­vi­ders, we use fil­ters to eli­mi­na­te unwan­ted adver­ti­sing (“spam fil­ters”), which in rare cases may also inad­vertent­ly auto­ma­ti­cal­ly cate­go­ri­se nor­mal e-mails as spam and dele­te them. E-mails con­tai­ning mal­wa­re (“viru­ses”) are clea­ned of the mali­cious code whe­re­ver pos­si­ble; other­wi­se they are deleted.

Unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, we can­not work with encryp­ted e-mails as yet.

Contact persons and other information

Should you have any ques­ti­ons per­tai­ning to data pro­tec­tion in rela­ti­on to this web­site, you can con­ta­ct the cen­tral edi­to­ri­al office at