Message from the Bavarian Minister-President
The outstanding research that comes out of Bavarian universities and research institutes, the huge power for innovation demonstrated by Bavarian businesses and a great entrepreneurial spirit are all essential to making sure Bavaria is competitive. They are decisive foundations for job security and the future prosperity of the Free State of Bavaria. A state with few resources of its own, like Bavaria, has to focus in particular on the “resource mind”. Particularly in the age of the digital revolution, harvesting new ideas and developments and making sure we translate them into marketable products, processes and services are both key to a successful economic future. The Bavarian state government supports representatives from every stage of the innovation process with its central point of contact:
The Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency offers an integrated service, starting with your innovative idea, going through to procurement, funding and even marketing the finished product. Stakeholders from science and industry can access an extensive range of services and excellent consultation on issues regarding research and innovation funding, technology transfer, networking, patents and licences, all from a single source.
Since it was founded under the name “Haus der Forschung” (“House of Research”) – made up of the partners Bayern Innovativ, Bavarian Research Alliance, Innovations- und Technologiezentrum Bayern, and Bayerische Forschungsstiftung – back in 2009, the Agency has become an inherent part of the research and innovation scene and a model for success here in Bavaria. This is demonstrated by the positive results of an evaluation conducted by an esteemed expert committee after the agency’s first five years in business. I would like to express my warm congratulations to everyone involved in this impressive result. I am also delighted that the service portfolio could be enhanced even further with the addition of a fifth partner, the Bayerische Patentallianz. I would like to express my gratitude to the teams from all four original partners for all their hard work and successful collaboration over the past few years. I also wish the team at the agency’s latest member, the Bayerische Patenallianz, all the best for a successful integration into the cooperation model. By bringing your expertise and experience to the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency, you are making an invaluable contribution to creating a strong system of research and innovation in Bavaria.